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Timing ist im Email Marketing sehr wichtig. Wie findet man die beste Versandzeit?

Es gibt keine Allgemeinlösung aber einige gute Ansätze, um die beste Zeit für den eigenen Versand zu bestimmen!
03.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei boomerang

In a perfect world, your email marketing list members will open up each of your messages immediately, read each line and take action right away. But as you know, your list members are busy, may not recall why they signed up for your list in the first place or may be receiving your email at a time when there are dozens of other messages coming their way.

That is why it is important to time your email messages just right. Timing relates to two different decisions:

What days and times are best for my email messages?
How frequently should I send out my email messages?

When you understand the timing and frequency rhythms that are right for your list, you can send out messages that have more impact. Here are three best practices rules to follow to boost your success.

1.) Find a schedule and stick with it.
The most important key to having email marketing success with your own list is being consistent. Find a schedule that works for your company (and gets a good response from your list) and then repeat it week in and week out (or month in and month out). Of course, this does not apply to special discounts or deals, but with your email marketing newsletter you should have a consistent schedule. Weekly or bi-weekly works best for most companies.