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Psychologie - 3 Strategien, um die Abmeldungen zu reduzieren

Ihre Leser und Kunden sind Menschen. Welche Emotionen könnten Sie mit Ihrer Email auslösen?
02.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei AWeber

Your website and email marketing lists aren’t just business tools that help you connect with customers and prospects – in effect; they’re the digital manifestation of your presence and personality.

So while it’s tempting to think about these resources as simple text blocks and images, don’t underestimate the psychological impact these bits and bytes can have on your readers.

One of the best places to employ tactics that appeal to a reader’s emotions is in your email list, when it comes to managing your unsubscribe rates.

If you’ve been having trouble keeping these numbers down, check out the following psychological strategies on how to reduce your current unsubscribe rates:

Strategy #1 – Harness the Power of Words
There’s no doubt that many words are psychologically charged, but the two that you want to focus on here are “quit” and “give up.”