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Optimieren Sie Ihren Email-Opt-In-Prozess für bessere Kommunikation und Interaktion

Warum soll man sich für Ihren Newsletter anmelden? Welche Daten fragen Sie ab und wo überall bieten Sie die Anmeldung an?

To get the most out of your email lists, you’ll want to personalize and target the best recipients by gathering relevant subscriber data.

Unfortunately, one of the most overlooked parts of most email marketing programs is in the opt-in process. How you prepare your opt-in pages and forms will impact your list growth, as well as the quality of your list.

The Opt-In Page
During the opt-in process, asking for too much can deter subscriber opt-in. But you certainly can collect more than a name and email address. Consider these simple steps when you collect data, and you’ll find your subscriber list to be stronger and more relevant.