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14.05.2024 - 16.05.2024 | Vienna | Konferenz

European event about data privacy and protection

Heroes of Data Privacy 2024

Date :  14-16th May 2024

Location :   Marx Palast, Vienna

Following the success of the first edition of Heroes of Data & Privacy as an online event in 2022, the conference is coming back bigger and better.

Organisations of all sizes and sectors face the challenges posed by decreasing data quality, new regulations and privacy-enhancing technologies. Actionable insights and knowledge on how to overcome these challenges are much harder to come by. Heroes of Data & Privacy is the European conference for data professionals, marketers, technologists and legal experts that addresses the need for solution-oriented knowledge sharing.

On the fifth anniversary of the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Heroes of Data & Privacy will bring together some of the brightest brains in data strategies in a privacy-first world live in Vienna - from industry professionals to regulators, from marketing leaders to legal experts. In 20+ talks, interviews and panels they will discuss current and future trends – and share valuable insight on how organisations can overcome the challenges and gain new opportunities.